Maria is cast to play the lead role, Laurencia, in Fuente Ovejuna by Lope de Vega directed by the renowned Spanish director Mariano de Paco and produce by Teatro Círculo. For too long, the peasants of  Fuente Ovejuna  have meekly endured the tyranny of their lecherous overlord, but when one woman stands up in defense of her honor, the townspeople are galvanized at last into rebellion – and an extraordinary display of heroic resolve.

The opening

The play was premiered at Teatro Círculo from October 7th to October 23rd in 2022. Fuente Ovejuna went on tour on Summer 2023 and performed at the largest international classical theater in Spain: Clásico en Alcalá and Fundación Siglo de Oro – Corral de Cervantes in Madrid. Performed in Spanish Verse with Overtitles in English.


Playwright: Lope de Vega
Directed by Mariano de Paco
Producer: Teatro Circulo
Stage Manager: Francisco Rivera
Cast: Juan Luis Acevedo, Dani Alonso, Maria Fontanals, Fernando Gazzaniga, Gemma Ibarra, Pablo Andrade, Jose Cheo Oliveras y Eva Cristina Vazquez
Costume and Light Design: Israel Franco Müller and Eliana Michelle


La última bambalina

Impacto Latino

La guía cultural

The Thinking Theater NYC


By Michael Palma and Antonio Castro