
Maria Fontanals is an award-winning Spanish actress based in New York, as well as a faculty member at HB Studio, one of the original New York acting studios. She is also a member of the Academy of Performing Arts in Spain as well as Actor’s Equity Association. Maria has extensive experience on stage performing leading roles with renowned Off Broadway theaters. She is best known for portraying women who are strong, bold and powerful. Although she tends to play dramatic lead roles, she is a versatile actor who has excelled as comedic actress.  Her witty sense of humor has led her to play roles like Dorothy Parker’s sarcastic, wry, and clever characters.

For her, acting is a great privilege. Being able to be a vessel for stories and inhabit so many lives is what inspires her. She is interested in truths and playing characters that audience could say: “Yes! I feel that way too, I’m not alone.”

Thank you for stopping by and let’s work!


La monja alférez

“Fontanals ranges compellingly from defiant to tender as Guzmán”. Thinking Theater – Nov 2024


…Fontanals, similarly terrific….” Thinking Theater – Feb 2023

Sandor Juan y María Fontanals en actuaciones estelares.” Impacto Latino – June 2017

Fuente Ovejuna

“La espléndida escena en que Laurencia (María Fontanals), herida y mancillada, irrumpe en el espacio donde los hombres del pueblo se hallan reunidos, para recriminarles su pasividad y cobardía frente a las tropelías de Fernán Gómez.La última bambalina – July 2023

“…un aparte muy especial al trabajo potente de María Fontanals, quien se crece cada vez que pisa un escenario en una nueva labor. María es una actriz con un poderío muy especial y una presencia que no se pasa por alto. Bravo, María a tú excelencia de todos estos años.” Impacto Latino – Nov 2022

Laurencia (María Fontanals, fantastic in the role), the daughter of the village’s mayor.Thinking Theater – Oct 2021

Maria Fontanals, se entrega en cuerpo y alma a su personaje. Su actuación fue visceral, honesta y absolutamente desgarradora. El monólogo ante su padre es el punto más mágico de toda la pieza: la transformación de la víctima en heroína, de la doncella en la fiera, la consagración de una actriz que, simplemente, lo puede todo.La guía cultural – Oct 2022

Tierra del Fuego

… Yael Alón, encarnado por la excelente actriz española María Fontanals, quien borda de manera superior y marca sus habilidades interpretativas con una actuación depurada de principio a fin de la representación. María es todo un portento de buen quehacer dramático.Impacto Latino – August 2019


Fontanals takes us through the chameleon-like changes of young student Carol with a subtly and expressive grace that leaves us unsure whether to hug her in sympathy or throttle her in anger. She will completely disarm you with her performance but be on guard–she will leave you devastated in the process!.Banderas News – Dec 2012


“La monja alférez goes on tour in Spain: Clásicos en Alcalá and Festival de Olmedo. July 2024

“The ‘Academia de Artes Escénicas de España’ nominates Radojka as Best Hispanic Production in NY by the Talía Awards 2024″

Maria was nominated for an HOLA Award 2023 for her work in Fuente Ovejuna

On Stage!

July 3rd &4th in Clásicos en Alcalá
July 22nd – Festival de Olmedo, Spain

La monja alférez

La monja alférez: A story of a 17th Century woMAN who fights against all odds to validate his gender identity. La monja alférez is the story of Guzmán, a woman, who flees a convent in Spain dressed as a man, travels to The Americas, and becomes a renown soldier throughout Latin and South America. In Perú, Guzman falls in love with Doña Ana, then leaves her because they cannot consummate the relationship.

Performed in Spanish with English subtitles. 

Contact me

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