Maria is cast to play the lead role of Catalina de Erauso, known as “la monja alférez”, in the play La monja alférez by Juan Ruiz Alarcón. A story of a 17th Century woMAN who fights against all odds to validate his gender identity. La monja alférez is the story of Guzmán, a woman, who flees a convent in Spain dressed as a man, travels to The Americas, and becomes a renown soldier throughout Latin and South America. In Perú, Guzman falls in love with Doña Ana, then leaves her because they cannot consummate the relationship.

The Opening

The play was premiered at Off OffBroadway Teatro Círculo from November 3rd to November 19th of 2023 and it run for three weeks. The played toured across Spain in July 2024, performing at several prestigious classical festivals like Clásicos en Alcalá and Festival de Olmedo.

Performed in Spanish Verse with Overtitles in English.


Playwright: Juan Ruiz Alarcón (Adaptation by Daniel Alonso de Santos
& Germán Vega García-Luengos)  
Directed by Dani Alonso. Coach Verse: Karmele Aranburu
Producer: Teatro Círculo
Stage Manager: Eliana Yost
Cast: María Fontanals, Sandra Gumuzzio, Eva Cristina Vásquez, Gerardo Gudiño, Fernando Gazzaniga, Mario Mattei, Pablo Andrade, Jei Fabiano
Costume and Light Design: Israel Müller and Kareliz Michelle


Thinking Theater NYC

El Norte de Castilla

El Norte de Castilla – La cuestión Trans

La Revista de la Academia

El Boletín de Olmedo


By Edna Lee Figueroa and Pío Baruque