Tierra del Fuego tells the story of an Israeli ex-flight attendant who lost her best friend and was injured in a terrorist attack. Twenty-two years later, she decides to meet the man who authored the attacks, who has been sentenced to life in a London prison.
The opening
The play was premiered at Julia de Burgos Arts Center, on August 23rd and it run for six days. Play performed in Spanish with English supertitles.
Playwright: Mario Diament
Directed by Mario Colón
Producer: IRS Productions
Stage Manager: Alejandra Maldonado
Cast: Juan Luis Acevedo, Vivian DeAngelo, Mirko Faenza, Maria Fontanals, Cheo Oliveras, Juan Villarreal
Costume Design: Karim Rivera Rosado
Light Design: Maria Cristina Fusté
Composer: Nathan Leigh
By Maria Cristina Fusté